The Deadly Form of Gabapentin

After several deadly cases of Gabapentin were brought to light, we wanted to ensure that all veterinarians are aware of the dangers of the liquid Gabapentin product for human use. As you know, your clients are free to fill their prescriptions at the pharmacy of their choice. However, for the safety of the dog and your veterinary license it is important that you also educate owners about where they should be filling this potentially dangerous medication. This Clinical Pearl discusses the deadly form of Gabapentin and how you can ensure that your clients are keeping their animals safe.

First, it is important that veterinarians are aware of the various dosage forms of Gabapentin that are available. For human use, there are pills or liquid suspensions that may be dispensed. The pills for human use consist of tablets that are scored and can be split in half or capsules that can be given whole. It is not ideal to open capsules in order to sprinkle the drug over food due to possible food aversion which is a general rule of thumb for all prescription medications.

The second dosage form available for human use happens to be the potentially deadly form of Gabapentin for dogs. Most Gabapentin liquid oral solution products should never be dispensed to dogs. The vast majority of the time it contains Xylitol which is extremely toxic and even small amounts of Xylitol can cause hypoglycemia, seizures, liver failure, and death in dogs. The Gabapentin for human use is also flavored for humans in a strawberry flavor which is not a flavor palatable for pets. Lastly, the Gabapentin for human use is only available in one strength which could lead to potential issues with having to give too little or too large of volume to the animal.

An alternative option when it comes to prescribing Gabapentin for dogs is a liquid custom compound. It will never contain Xylitol and is a much safer option. Our Pharmacists at Olive Tree Compounding Pharmacy are well aware of the dangers of Xylitol among other potentially toxic ingredients. The benefits of prescribing custom Gabapentin compounds include flavoring to the dogs preferred palate and also designing compounds that provide concentrations for convenient ½ ml-1 ml dosing.

Our biggest concern is the safety of the animals you prescribe for and to avoid any other deaths from the accidental overdose of Xylitol. Gabapentin can be an effective medication option; however, if the prescription is put in the wrong hands it could be deadly. Keep your patients safe by making sure you send your prescription to Olive Tree Compounding Pharmacy. Our Pharmacists ensure our Gabapentin compounds are safe, palatable, and at a proper volume for that specific animal.